Thursday 27 December 2007

Soyuz Moyuz

Sure, go ahead and purchase the toy, a swing vote awaits.
Not even sure it's budgeted for. Seriously, the whole country is still flooding, still there is talk about going to outer space. Maybe it's really a good idea, since the world's water level is really rising.

1 comment:

Azizi Ahmad Termizi: said...


You have to understand my friend that we are a nation of scrap metal sellers (and buyers). Cables get stolen, fences and gates get ripped-off. You name it, we've done it.

So if the people up there decide to buy the ultimate scrap metal, I can fully iunderstand. Nothing new there!

Oh, and it would go down very nicely in the Malaysia Book of record as the costliest scrap metal ever. Aren't you just thankful to those who came up with this brilliant idea?